Tag Archives: lesley carter

How to Develop a Bucket List (see these POWERFUL Stories)

The new year is approaching and it’s the time we normally start thinking about goals and resolutions. This year, what if you developed a bucket list instead of a set of resolutions you are likely to drop by the end of January?  What is a bucket list?

A bucket list is a list of things that one has not done before but wants to do before dying

Hey, I’m not old enough to be thinking about the end of days but its never too early to start thinking about things you want to accomplish in life.

Preparing your Bucket List

Here are some tips for preparing your list:

  • Think of Activities – Think about activities you would like to do. Maybe it’s learning to use a crossbow, making jewelry, or experiencing a zip line over the jungle. For me, it’s skydiving and snorkeling the great barrier reef.
  • Think of Learning – Are there things you wish you had learned? Maybe it’s learning a different language, how to play the guitar, or how to paint. For me, it’s learning how to draw better.
  • Think of Travel – I bet there are places you’d like to visit. For me, it’s Australia, New Zealand, Norway, and Greece.
  • Think Big – Don’t limit yourself to things that are easy to accomplish, think big.

5 Powerful Stories

It’s always good to get ideas and inspiration from others that have built a bucket list and are checking items off their list every year. Here are some powerful stories that will surely inspire.

Bucket List Publications

Bucket List ProductionsLesley Carter publishes her list every year on her Bucket List Publications blog and you can follow along as she checks things off her list. She is incredibly inspiring and has mastered the idea of thinking big. Just this year, she was sailing to Antarctica, trekking gorillas, cage diving with great whites, visiting multiple continents, and hiking volcanoes.

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The Bucket List Blog

Bucket List BlogAlex Wagman publishes his list on his Bucket List blog.  His list includes graduating college, streaking in public (hey — to each his own), alligator hunting, and flying a plane. One compelling item on his list for 2015 was surviving 72 hours in the wild with nothing but a knife.

Bucket List Journey

Bucket List JourneyAnnette publishes her list on her Bucket List Journey blog.  Similar to Lesley Carter, she is incredibly inspiring but many of the items on her list are easier to complete. Here are just a few interesting items on her list: eat fire, flyboarding, jump off a cliff, indoor skydive, swim with sea turtles, and walk on a black sand beach.

Bucket List Blogger

Bucket List BloggerJackie publishes her list on her Bucket List Blogger blog.  Jackie was inspired by a life coach and that chance meeting set the stage for a more fulfilling life. Here are a few things from her list: mountain bike the entire Katy Trail, zip line in Hawaii, hike the Grand Canyon, swim in the Dead Sea, and to spend a month in Italian wine country.

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Where is Jenny

Where is JennyJenny organizes her list by professional goals, things to learn, adventures to have, places to visit, and cultural experiences. She publishes hers on her Where is Jenny blog. Her list includes these experiences: generating $3,000 a month in passive income, achieve fluency in Spanish, French, and Sign Language, bungee jumping, visiting Mali, and participating in Burning Man.


I hope this post has inspired you to think about your own personal bucket list. If it has, please share a link to yours (or just enter some below) in the comments section.

About this Blog

Steve and his wife built a software company, sold it and retired early. Steve enjoys blogging about lifestyle freedom, financial independence, and technology. If you like this blog, subscribe here to get an email each time he posts.

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#ArticleOfTheDay: Yeah, My Life is Awesome! I’m a Rock Star. You Should Take Notes (by Lesley Carter)

Today’s Article was written by Lesley Carter, a blogger that I have mad respect for. I have been following her blog for about a year now and reading about all of her travels to cool and unique destinations. Her blog is Bucket List Publications — at the beginning of each year she makes a list of bucket list items to check off by the end of the year. She normally completes her bucket list in the 4th quarter of each year.

Her latest blog was really inspiring. It unveiled raw emotions about her life, her struggles and how haters on the internet attempt to derail your happiness.

Without further ado, here is Lesley’s blog entitled “Yeah, My Life is Awesome! I’m a Rock Star. You Should Take Notes“: http://bit.ly/ZUbxF8

Lesley Carter

Lesley Carter


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