Tag Archives: Jason Cohen

#ArticleOfTheDay: Stubborn Visionaries & Pigheaded Fools

Today’s Article was written by Jason Cohen, the entrepreneur that originally started SmartBear Software (the company that I sold my last software company to). Jason has such a great way of boiling complex topics down to their bare simplicity and often leaves you with a decision to make.

Today’s article is one of those. It explains some of the mental gymnastics all of us Entrepreneurs go through as we are trying to judge whether our decisions will pay off in the future. Sometimes it’s a crap shoot and you just have to know when to hold them and when to fold them.

Without further ado, here is Jason’s article entitled “Stubborn Visionaries & Pigheaded Fools“: http://bit.ly/1xdemff.


Article of the Day Brought to You by 2HourAppreneur

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