Tag Archives: 2hourapprenur

#ArticleOfTheDay: The 5 Practices That Bring Us Closer to Our True Selves

With a life that is rapid pace and hectic, it is really easy to lose sight of who we truly are. We serve others, we look after our kids, we worry about our parents, and we try to please others in hopes of building a better life. But at the end of the day we find that we really have not focused on ourselves enough.

Written by Julie Ostrowiski, today’s article of the day spotlights practices that we can do daily to bring us closer to who we really are.  My favorite tip is #5 because when you travel you are forced into a culture that is new and different than your own. It forces you to empathize with others and to realize that the American way of doing things is not the only way.

If I had one more practice to add this article, it would be to hang out with friends that you can totally be yourself with and not pretend that you are someone that you aren’t.

Without further ado, here is the full article: http://bit.ly/1uZ4wjV.

This Article Was Brought to You by 2HourAppreneur

This article was brought to you by 2HourAppreneur makers of the aMemoryJog Password Manager app.

aMemoryJog: Best Password Manager

Every few days, 2HourAppreneur publishes an article that we think is cool, thought-provoking, motivational, or makes life more fun and a bit easier. If you would like to receive these articles in your email every few days, sign up below.

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Hopefully this article of the day was helpful to you. I would also like to hear your stories and understand what brings you back to your true self. Please leave a comment!

#ArticleOfTheDay: 3 Issues That Scare Appreneurs, But Shouldn’t

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know that I am an #appreneur (an entrepreneur that focuses on app development) and am working on bringing my first app to the Apple App Store (coming very soon).  It is important to me to share my experiences and to let you know how others are doing in app development.

Written by Chris Meier, today’s article talks about 3 things that tend to scare people away from app development. I generally agree with Chris’s observations.

In my experience thus far, I would say that it is a bit more complicated than some people lead you to believe. For example, you really have to learn some new skills. You need to be able to create a good RFP, you need to have a vision of what the app should look like and how it will operate, you have to be tech savvy enough to learn software well enough to make your job easier.

But I do believe that most people can do it. If you are a self-starter, willing to learn/adapt, and somewhat computer savvy, you can certainly do it.

Without further ado, here is the full article:  http://bit.ly/1wg8W17

Related article: How to Build a Product Website for your App

This Article Was Brought to You by 2HourAppreneur

This article was brought to you by 2HourAppreneur makers of the aMemoryJog Password Manager app.

aMemoryJog: Best Password Manager

Every few days, 2HourAppreneur publishes an article that we think is cool, thought-provoking, motivational, or makes life more fun and a bit easier. If you would like to receive these articles in your email every few days, sign up below.

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If you prefer to check Facebook for the blog postings without getting an email, you can LIKE my Facebook page here and the posts can be seen from there or follow me on twitter.


Hopefully this article of the day was helpful to you. I would also like to hear your stories and understand what scares you about app development. Please leave a comment!

#ArticleOfTheDay: How to Overcome Nervousness: 7 Simple Habits

nervousAt some point, every one feels nervous and having solid coping techniques can be very helpful.

Written by Henrick Edberg, today’s article of the day focuses in on things you can do to get rid of those butterflies in the stomach. So if you have a big presentation or social situation coming up soon, take a few tips from this article.

Tip #6 is my favorite. My wife always says “You would not care what people thought of you if you knew how little they do…” — funny but very true!

Without further ado, here is the full article: http://bit.ly/1xIgUm3.

This Article Was Brought to You by 2HourAppreneur

This article was brought to you by 2HourAppreneur makers of the aMemoryJog Password Manager app.

aMemoryJog: Best Password Manager

Every few days, 2HourAppreneur publishes an article that we think is cool, thought-provoking, motivational, or makes life more fun and a bit easier. If you would like to receive these articles in your email every few days, sign up below.

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If you prefer to check Facebook for the blog postings without getting an email, you can LIKE my Facebook page here and the posts can be seen from there or follow me on twitter.


Hopefully this article of the day was helpful to you. I would also like to hear your stories and understand what makes your nervousness subside. Please leave a comment!

8 Keys to this Entrepreneur’s Happiness

Are most entrepreneurs happy? I’m not sure, but of the ones I’ve met, most seem to be. I’ve always had a feeling of happiness, ever since childhood. It doesn’t mean that I don’t have down days, everyone does. But for the most part, I am really happy and I started to ponder why that is. In this post I will share with you a bit of my self-reflection.

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” Mahatma Gandhi


8 Keys to this Entrepreneur’s Happiness

After a bit of reflection, I’ve identified things that have created happiness for me:

  1. Exercise – As a kid, I spent lots of time outside: hunting, riding my bike, playing sports, and walking the farm where we lived. Once I graduated college, I started working out with weights and doing cardio every week. Now 30 years later, I continue to workout every week and intertwine lots of outside activities into my day (cycling, hiking, walking, golfing, etc.). Although I did not start working out to feel happy, it just happened. Exercising increases your self-esteem and it releases endorphin, the happy chemical.
  2. Relationships – I try to surround myself with like-minded and positive people. I have an incredible wife, great kids and friends that I try to do things with weekly. It may be just a chat or a golf outing, but it is important to build and maintain relationships.
  3. Being Nice – Being nice to others is rewarding. I like to greet people with a “hello” or “good morning” and strike up conversations with people I don’t know and I say “thank you” and “please”. I don’t try to monopolize conversations, I learn a lot about a person by just listening. And I love hearing about people’s successes, no matter how trivial or monumental.
  4. Money – As they say, money can’t buy you happiness but neither does poverty. I do think that a certain amount of money can aid in happiness– at least enough that satisfies your immediate needs (food, clothing, housing and health care). Past that, “wants” tend to disguise themselves as “needs”. I’ll admit that I could be much more frugal but I do get a rush of adrenalin when I under spend my budget for a month.
  5. Optimism – I am wired to think that everything is going to work out well and many times it does. When things don’t, I try to learn from it and use that knowledge in the future.
  6. Hobbies – Work hard but play harder. I’ve met lots of people who consume themselves with work and when they get a day off, they don’t really know what to do with their time. Having hobbies will make you happier. What are mine? I love to cycle, play golf, fish, travel, hike, swim, hang out at the beach, boat, watch college and pro football — just to name a few! I also set goals for my hobbies (like cycling 50 miles in 3 hours, hiking a strenuous mountain, and lowering my golf handicap).
  7. Being Grateful – I realize how lucky I’ve been. My parents sent me to college but they nor their parents or their grandparents had the opportunity to do it. I couldn’t have built and sold my software company without learning from some incredible mentors. I am lucky to have an incredibly supportive family and our kids have grown up to be something we are truly proud of. I survived cancer at just over 30 years old. I’ve been really blessed.
  8. Faith – I don’t consider myself a religious person but I do consider myself a spiritual person. I grew up in the church but don’t attend regularly. However, I have a close relationship with my maker and pray everyday. I’ve personally witnessed the power of faith.

This Article Was Brought to You by 2HourAppreneur

This article was brought to you by 2HourAppreneur makers of the aMemoryJog Password Manager app.

aMemoryJog: Best Password Manager

Every few days, 2HourAppreneur publishes an article that we think is cool, thought-provoking, motivational, or makes life more fun and a bit easier. If you would like to receive these articles in your email every few days, sign up below.

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Hopefully these 8 keys are helpful to my readers. I would also like to hear your stories and understand what makes you happy. Please leave a comment!

#ArticleOfTheDay: 6 Qualities That All Great Leaders Exhibit (by Lily Jenkins)

Today’s article was written by Lily Jenkins, she nails the qualities of a great leader. A lot of people believe that leadership is a naturalized trait given at birth. I don’t really subscribe to that idea. Sure, some people innately have leadership skills and some are more extroverted than others. But leadership skills can certainly be learned — I’ve mentored many leaders during my time in the corporate world and it is very satisfying to see leadership skills take form and grow.

I don’t want to steal Lily’s thunder but my favorite quality she listed is “Great leaders pave the way for others to succeed“. Ready to read the entire article?  Alrighty, here it is: 6 Qualities That All Great Leaders Exhibit (by Lily Jenkins).


 Article of the Day Brought to You by 2HourAppreneur

This article was brought to you by 2HourAppreneur, makers of the aMemoryJog Password Manager app. Each day, 2HourAppreneur publishes an article that we think is cool, thought provoking, motivational, or makes life more fun and a bit easier.

Sign up for these daily articles via email here.

aMemoryJog: Best Password Manager

Preparing to Test your App as Development Progresses

In my prior posts, I’ve discussed my journey to develop an iPhone app and I have documented the things I’ve done along the way.  This is a continuation of that series of posts. Today we will discuss test preparation tasks you can begin doing as your app is being developed.

Success is where preparation and opportunity meet. ― Bobby Unser

If you missed my prior posts regarding building an app, you can see them here:

Test Preparation as the App is Being Developed

If you’ve followed my advice thus far, you have outsourced the development of your app so that you can spend time planning the marketing effort. However, one of the most critical things you can do while your programmer is developing your app is to begin to prepare for the testing effort you will go through once the programmer sends you the first version of your app.

If you wait until you get the first version of your app, you will be scrambling to figure out what tests to run. The best approach is to create a list of test cases you can run — but do this as development is going on. This approach allows you to flow right into testing the day you get your first build.

How to Build a List of Test Cases

In a prior post, I discussed how to get the best price for your app development. As part of this, I discussed creating a detail specification in RFP format so that the developer will fully understand your requirements. Taking this approach also aids in your test case development because when you begin developing your test cases, you can simply go through each section of your RFP to jog your memory about test cases you need to run.

In your first cut, you will want to simply make a list of test cases without the detailed steps to execute each one.  For aMemoryJog, here are some of the initial test cases I created. This is a very abbreviated list of test case (I have about 90 test cases so this is just a few of them).

Test Case Examples

Test Case Examples

Notice that I have test cases for each screen within the app. So for the login screen, I first inspect the look and feel of the screen to ensure that it matches the design specified in the RFP. Then I have a test to ensure that all of the required fields must be entered before going forward. For example, if they want to login, they must enter both their email address and password to login and if they don’t, it should alert them of that. Then I move on to testing for a valid login and an invalid login (incorrect email address and password).

Adding Steps to Each Test Case

Once you have created a list of test cases you wish to run, go back and add the steps you must go through to run each test. Why go through this? Well first of all, it makes testing mindless. You don’t have to try to remember how to execute a specific function, it has already been documented. Another reason is that one day (once you are successful), you will probably outsource your testing effort and having detailed test cases makes that process easy.

Here is an example of steps in a test case:


Where Should I Keep My Test Cases?

Your next question might be “Where do I put all these test cases?”.  If you are just starting out and don’t have a lot of working capital, I suggest you simply keep them in a spreadsheet. You can include a column in your spreadsheet to keep track of whether the test case passed or failed. Here is an example:


Once you have working capital, I suggest you use a test management system. I use QAComplete from SmartBear Software because it allows you to create test libraries, test sets and has some really good reporting capabilities that show you the status of your testing effort. It also allows you to track bugs (defects) so that you can communicate them with your development team and track their fix status.  If you don’t have any working capital up front, I suggest you use Zendesk for defect tracking since it is free.

QAComplete by Smartbear Software

QAComplete by SmartBear Software


Take the time to plan your testing effort while your programmer is coding your app. Don’t spring for a test management system until you have some working capital but purchase it as soon as the business can support it.

Shameless Plug

The app I am creating is slated for production in the App Store in November 2014. However, the web edition is already available at http://www.aMemoryJog.com. Once the app is done, it will seamlessly sync with the web version.

Download a free trial and check it out!


Also, if you like this blog, please share it with others to increase our following. Our twitter account is @2HourAppreneur and be sure to like my Facebook page at http://www.Facebook.com/2HourAppreneur.

Thanks for following the blog!

#AppOfTheDay: Shopping List Free (Grocery List)

Today’s App of the Day is Shopping List Free (Grocery List) by Hensoft. I don’t know about you, but before going to the grocery store, I like to make a list and check off the list as I go. I used to do that with paper and pen but I find it easier to have it on my iPhone and check them off as I am shopping.

Once I started looking for a Shopping List app, I stumbled on to the Shopping List Free app. The app is free and it is very easy to use. Simply create a Shopping List, add items and as you are in the store, simply tap each item to check it off the list.


Once you are done, you can clear the check boxes to reuse the list again later. It also remembers all of the items in the list and you can create a new list from an existing one by selecting them instead of having to type them all in again.

If you are interested in this app ,check it out here: http://bit.ly/1DqGQEo.  Enjoy!

App of the Day Brought to You by 2HourAppreneur

This article was brought to you by 2HourAppreneur, makers of the aMemoryJog Password Manager app. A few times a week, 2HourAppreneur publishes an article or app that we think is cool, thought provoking, motivational, or makes life more fun and a bit easier. Sign up for these articles via email here.

aMemoryJog: Best Password Manager

#ArticleOfTheDay: Yeah, My Life is Awesome! I’m a Rock Star. You Should Take Notes (by Lesley Carter)

Today’s Article was written by Lesley Carter, a blogger that I have mad respect for. I have been following her blog for about a year now and reading about all of her travels to cool and unique destinations. Her blog is Bucket List Publications — at the beginning of each year she makes a list of bucket list items to check off by the end of the year. She normally completes her bucket list in the 4th quarter of each year.

Her latest blog was really inspiring. It unveiled raw emotions about her life, her struggles and how haters on the internet attempt to derail your happiness.

Without further ado, here is Lesley’s blog entitled “Yeah, My Life is Awesome! I’m a Rock Star. You Should Take Notes“: http://bit.ly/ZUbxF8

Lesley Carter

Lesley Carter


Article of the Day Brought to You by 2HourAppreneur

This article was brought to you by 2HourAppreneur, makers of the aMemoryJog Password Manager app. Each day, 2HourAppreneur publishes an article that we think is cool, thought provoking, motivational, or makes life more fun and a bit easier.

Sign up for these daily articles via email here.

aMemoryJog: Best Password Manager

#ArticleOfTheDay: Richard Branson’s 10 Rules For Being A Great Leader

Today’s Article was written by Sir Richard Branson, a entrepreneur that I’ve admired for many years because of his ability to think outside of the box and to build fun companies that employees and customers love. Richard’s leadership qualities are unparalleled and it’s interesting to hear him articulate his approach to leadership.

My favorite rules: Have Fun, Listen More and Talk Less, and Be Happy. Without further ado, here is Richard’s article: http://stumble.it/1oBUwvd, enjoy!



Article of the Day Brought to You by 2HourAppreneur

This article was brought to you by 2HourAppreneur, makers of the aMemoryJog Password Manager app. Each day, 2HourAppreneur publishes an article that we think is cool, thought provoking, motivational, or makes life more fun and a bit easier.

Sign up for these daily articles via email here.

aMemoryJog: Best Password Manager

Newly redesigned website for aMemoryJog

In last month’s post, I discussed how to keep track of your appreneur tasks and time spent. This month I thought I would take a break from the typical posts regarding how to build and run an appreneur business and let you know about the latest happenings with our app, aMemoryJog.

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.  Winston Churchill

Redesigned the aMemoryJog App

We were just about ready to launch the aMemoryJog app and took a 2 month pause. Why? Initially we were going to have 2 apps, a free one (aMemoryJog Lite) and a paid one (aMemoryJog Pro). After reviewing other apps in the App Store, we decided to move forward with a single app (just called aMemoryJog). It will be free but will offer an in-app purchase that will unlock some additional capabilities (this is called a Freemium approach).

The reason for this decision was that it will be easier to maintain and market a single app than it will if we have 2 separate editions of the app and the customer will have a much better experience if they decide to unlock the additional features with an in-app purchase. If they upgrade using the in-app purchase, the features will immediately appear and they will not have to download a separate app.


Basic Features of the aMemoryJog iPhone App

When the free app is downloaded, it will have the following BASIC features:

  • Remembers passwords and other private information
  • Tracks accounts, credit cards, frequent flyer, loyalty card, and more
  • Easy-to-setup categories, custom fields and unlimited notes
  • Single tap access to your websites – fills in user names and passwords
  • Secures stored information with bank-level 256-bit AES encryption
  • Search feature finds any item containing the phrase typed in
  • Provides a strong unique password generator
  • Shields passwords from prying eyes with password masking
  • Configurable timeout setting for automatic log out after an inactivity delay

Premium Features (available with in-app purchase):

The cost to upgrade from the Basic features to Premium features will be $9.99. Below are the additional features that you get:

  • Provides all features of the Basic edition but with no ads
  • Includes a free web based edition accessible from PC, Mac or tablets
  • Allows you to import data from a spreadsheet
  • Cloud backups prevent loss of data if you restore your mobile device
  • Syncs with the web edition
  • Allows you to restore any deleted entry from a recycle bin
  • Supports English, Spanish, French, and German languages
  • Supports Italian, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese languages
  • Self-destruct feature erases data upon too many invalid password tries
  • Remote self-destruct erases aMemoryJog data if phone is lost or stolen
  • Data erased from self-destruct can later be restored from cloud backup

If you want to learn more about the app, check out the aMemoryJog iPhone App website.

Redesigned the aMemoryJog Web Site

As the developer was redesigning the app, we took this time to also redesign the entire aMemoryJog website. The new site is easier to read, has more images, and is more search engine optimization (SEO) friendly than the original site. Below is the new look, but you can see the entire site here: http://www.aMemoryJog.com.



Related article: How to Build a Product Website for your App

When will it be in the Apple App Store?

We hope to have the app in the Apple App Store by early to mid-November, assuming we don’t hit any snags. As you may remember, the web edition is already in production and a free trial can be downloaded here.

Also, if you like this blog, please share it with others to increase our following. Our twitter account is @2HourAppreneur and be sure to like my Facebook page at http://www.Facebook.com/2HourAppreneur.

Thanks for following the blog!