Monthly Archives: December 2014

#ArticleOfTheDay: It’s Winter, Get Out and Enjoy It!

It’s easy to get complacent and sit around when it gets cold outside. With the added poundage that comes with overeating during the holidays, sitting around is not the best option when you can easily get out and go for a bike ride or a walk.

Walking in the Snow

Written by Mr. Money Mustache, today’s article is an inspiring article that just might motivate you to put on your coat and gloves and trek out into the cold.

Without further ado, here is the full article:

This Article Was Brought to You by 2HourAppreneur

This article was brought to you by 2HourAppreneur makers of the aMemoryJog Password Manager app.

aMemoryJog: Best Password Manager

Every few days, 2HourAppreneur publishes an article that we think is cool, thought-provoking, motivational, or makes life more fun and a bit easier. If you would like to receive these articles in your email every few days, sign up below.

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#ArticleOfTheDay: This Is Why You Don’t Have a Mentor

MentorshipI’ve had a few great mentors in my past and hopefully I have a few people that would consider me as their mentor.

Written by Ryan Holiday, today’s article of the day discusses how to become and receive mentorship from others. Ryan explains that “Mentorship, like all relationships, is a process, not an accomplishment.”

Without further ado, here is the full article:

This Article Was Brought to You by 2HourAppreneur

This article was brought to you by 2HourAppreneur makers of the aMemoryJog Password Manager app.

aMemoryJog: Best Password Manager

Every few days, 2HourAppreneur publishes an article that we think is cool, thought-provoking, motivational, or makes life more fun and a bit easier. If you would like to receive these articles in your email every few days, sign up below.

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#ArticleOfTheDay: Does Pharrell know something we don’t about happiness?

You know Pharrell Williams, he sings the “Happy” song. He’s also a coach on The Voice. I am always amazed when I see him in interviews: he is calm, composed, and exudes happiness.

Pharrell Williams in Adidas

Written by Devin Hughes, today’s article of the day takes a look at strategies for adding happiness to our everyday lives. My favorite quote from this article is “See happiness and there will be happiness“.

Without further ado, here is the full article:

This Article Was Brought to You by 2HourAppreneur

This article was brought to you by 2HourAppreneur makers of the aMemoryJog Password Manager app.

aMemoryJog: Best Password Manager

Every few days, 2HourAppreneur publishes an article that we think is cool, thought-provoking, motivational, or makes life more fun and a bit easier. If you would like to receive these articles in your email every few days, sign up below.

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#ArticleOfTheDay: Chemists create clever rewritable paper

Imagine re-using the same piece of printer paper 20 times, this could cut your paper costs dramatically. Chemists at The University of California have create paper than can be written on and erased many times over.

Reprintable paper

Written by Colin Jeffrey, today’s article of the day takes a look at this new paper technology created by the Chemists at The University of California and discusses some of the practical uses for it.

Without further ado, here is the full article:

This Article Was Brought to You by 2HourAppreneur

This article was brought to you by 2HourAppreneur makers of the aMemoryJog Password Manager app.

aMemoryJog: Best Password Manager

Every few days, 2HourAppreneur publishes an article that we think is cool, thought-provoking, motivational, or makes life more fun and a bit easier. If you would like to receive these articles in your email every few days, sign up below.

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Ready for Life Style Freedom? Piggy back off other People’s Success

Readers of this blog probably know a bit about my story. I started a software business in 1998 and sold it in 2009 allowing me to retire early (at 50 years old). I now enjoy life style freedom. I can plan my day any way I wish. If I feel like playing golf, hiking, biking or taking a road trip somewhere, I just get up and go. I am now working on developing a mobile app because I enjoy the software business and I can work as much or little as I wish.

So do you have to own and sell a business to achieve life style freedom? No, I know people who had jobs with average salaries and saved their way to life style freedom. Let me introduce you to a few of them.

 Mr. Money Mustache

Mr. Money Mustache (Pete)

Mr. Money Mustache (Pete)

Although he goes by the name Mr. Money Mustache, his real name is Pete and his last name he wants to keep anonymous. He retired at 30 years old on a nest egg of about $600,000 of which he saved by stuffing away about 75% of his paycheck into savings. He is now a multi-millionaire.

He started the Mr. Money Mustache website to share his financial prowess with others and offers a free discussion forum where like-minded people swap advice about money, investing and creating life style freedom. If you want to retire early, I highly recommend visiting this website.


Robert and Robin Charlton

Bob and Robin Charlton

Bob and Robin Charlton

Robert (Bob) and Robin retired at 43 years old the old fashioned way, they saved their way to retirement. Although the couple averaged only about $89,000 in combined salaries per year, they amassed almost $1 million in savings over a 15 year period.

Bob recently wrote a book about early retirement called How to Retire Early (click here to see it) and it is one of the top-rated books in the Retirement section of Amazon. It takes you through a journey of exactly how they accomplished it. It is very transparent and incredibly motivating. We met Bob and Robin a few years ago after we retired. We share a love of travel and they document their travels on their personal website.


Billy and Akaisha Kaderli

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli

Billy and Akaisha owned a restaurant and decided to ditch the working grind at 38 years old. After accumulating savings in their dual career jobs and selling the restaurant, they had a net worth of about $500,000.

They have been retired now for over 25 years and their nest egg is larger than when they retired. They live on about $30,000 per year and travel the world most of the year. Their website offers financial advice and documents their world travels.

When we started planning our early retirement, I read Billy and Akaisha’s book called “The Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement” and it offered motivation and pragmatic advice regarding retiring early. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend taking the time to do so.


How much does it take to Retire?

So how much is enough? First, try to reduce your monthly expenses as much as you can by following advice from the people above. Once you have that down, take your monthly expenses and make them yearly (multiply by 12) and then multiple that number by 25. For example, if your monthly expenses are $3000, your annual expenses are $36,000. Multiply that by 25 and it means you need $900,000 of investments to retire.

This is called the “safe withdrawal rate” or the “4% rule”. Click here for a really good article that explains the 4% rule in more detail.

Now, do you need all of that to quit a job you hate and take a cooler job that you enjoy? No. Let’s say you only have investments of $500,000 and your yearly expenses are $36,000. You can safely withdraw 4% of your $500,000 per year without ever running out of money, so that means you can withdraw $20,000 per year. So if you wanted to ditch your job and get a more fun job (maybe a part-time job) where you clear $16,000 per year, you could safely retire with the $500,000 in investments.

Are you nuts?

OK, I now hear you saying “Are you crazy? How can I (or we) save $900,000? I have almost no savings at this time!”. Bob and Robin Charlton also had no savings in 1992 and decided they wanted to change their life. So they embarked on a 15 year journey to save money and they retired with almost $1 million in the bank in just 15 years. Read the full story here.

 This Article Was Brought to You by 2HourAppreneur

This article was brought to you by 2HourAppreneur makers of the aMemoryJog Password Manager app.

aMemoryJog: Best Password Manager

Every few days, 2HourAppreneur publishes an article that we think is cool, thought-provoking, motivational, or makes life more fun and a bit easier. If you would like to receive these articles in your email every few days, sign up below.

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#ArticleOfTheDay: 27 Winning Strategies for wording Tweets

I struggle when tweeting because devising a tweet that grabs the reader is a bit difficult to craft.

Crafting Great Copy

Written by Kevan Lee, today’s article of the day provides winning strategies for wording Tweets and other marketing headlines. It is not a single strategy, it offers 27 different ways to approach it based on the specific scenario and offers some great examples.

Without further ado, here is the full article:

This Article Was Brought to You by 2HourAppreneur

This article was brought to you by 2HourAppreneur makers of the aMemoryJog Password Manager app.

aMemoryJog: Best Password Manager

Every few days, 2HourAppreneur publishes an article that we think is cool, thought-provoking, motivational, or makes life more fun and a bit easier. If you would like to receive these articles in your email every few days, sign up below.

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Hopefully this article of the day was helpful to you. If you have something to say, please leave a comment!

#ArticleOfTheDay: 6 Tips for Creating App Previews

If you’ve spent much time on the Apple App Store lately, you’ve probably noticed that you can now watch a quick video (called an App Preview) before downloading an app. This is a major revelation, as just a few months ago you could only see screen shots of an app.

App Previews

App Previews

Now that we can publish app preview videos, I thought it would be great to share an article on how to produce these videos.  Written by Sam Hutchings, today’s article steps you through the process of creating an app preview.

It is important to note that you must have a Mac to do this, it cannot be done with a PC. Without further ado, here is the full article:

This Article Was Brought to You by 2HourAppreneur

This article was brought to you by 2HourAppreneur makers of the aMemoryJog Password Manager app.

aMemoryJog: Best Password Manager

Every few days, 2HourAppreneur publishes an article that we think is cool, thought-provoking, motivational, or makes life more fun and a bit easier. If you would like to receive these articles in your email every few days, sign up below.

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Hopefully this article of the day was helpful to you. If you have something to say, please leave a comment!

#AppOfTheDay: Roadtastic Road Bike – Track all your cycling rides

I’ve ridden my bicycle over 2,000 miles in the past year. It is great exercise and a nice way to spend a few hours. It allows you to enjoy the outdoors, take in nature, and it reduces the old waistline.

When I first started cycling, I needed a way to track my rides. I wanted to track duration, miles traveled, heart rate, and average speed. I came upon this app, Runtastic Road Bike, and it has been one of the best apps on my iPhone.  Want to see it in  action? Click below to view the video:

 Direct Link to Video:

This Article Was Brought to You by 2HourAppreneur

This article was brought to you by 2HourAppreneur makers of the aMemoryJog Password Manager app.

aMemoryJog: Best Password Manager

Every few days, 2HourAppreneur publishes an article that we think is cool, thought-provoking, motivational, or makes life more fun and a bit easier. If you would like to receive these articles in your email every few days, sign up below.

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Hopefully this article of the day was helpful to you. If you have some favorite apps you would like to share, please leave a comment!

#ArticleOfTheDay: Life Lessons from Bill Gates

The founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, is an American icon and incredibly generous person. As of November 2014, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has awarded $31.6 billion in grants since it’s inception.

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft

Written by Dawn Hefner, today’s article discusses valuable life lessons that Bill Gates has inspired us with.  It’s hard to sum up Bill in just 5 attributes, but Dawn does a great job of it.  Without further ado, here is the full article: 

This Article Was Brought to You by 2HourAppreneur

This article was brought to you by 2HourAppreneur makers of the aMemoryJog Password Manager app.

aMemoryJog Free Password Management App

Every few days, 2HourAppreneur publishes an article that we think is cool, thought-provoking, motivational, or makes life more fun and a bit easier. If you would like to receive these articles in your email every few days, sign up below.

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Hopefully this article of the day was helpful to you. If you have other information to share about Bill Gates, please leave a comment!